Sunday, Mar 30, 2025
Protecting the Land and Inheritance Rights of HIV-Affected Women in Kenya and Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 546 downloads
Many in the field of the public health and international development hypothesize that strengthening women’s property and inheritance rights (WPIR) may reduce susceptibility to HIV and enable households to better mitigate the economic, physical, and emotional consequences of HIV, particularly in high prevalence countries. A growing bodyof qualitative and programmatic evidence suggests that programs addressing both WPIR and HIV1 are more effective at helping women and families alleviate the consequences of HIV compared with programs that address WPIR or HIV alone. However, there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support this assumption.
RE-Envisioning Gender Justice in the Access and 'Use of Land through Traditional Institutions.pdf
This research paper explores the extent to which the use of traditional institutions in land dispute resolution creates an opportunity for the protection of women’s rights to access and use land held under customary tenure in the Acholi Sub Region, Northern Uganda. The role of traditional institutions in dispute resolutions presents weakness and challenges, but also strengths and windows of opportunity.
Resettlement and Gender Dimension of Land rights in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda, 2012.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 686 downloads
Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa and other regions shows that even low levels of land conflict may undermine land governance and management, constrain agricultural productivity, and serve as a potential source of persistence violence.
Securing Women Land Rights in northern Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1957 downloads
Women are primary users of land and provide the bulk of “non-contractible” agricultural labour in Uganda. Despite this, men dominate the majority of decisions related to land use and management, and the security of women’s land tenure can be tenuous. Insecurity associated with women’s rights to land under customary law are grounded in assumptions that women are dependent on men and cannot own land in their own right under customary tenure and have what many term “secondary rights.”
Social Institutions and Gender Index - Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1114 downloads
As a composite index, the Uganda-SIGI scores sub-regions of Uganda on 20 indicators. These indicators combine detailed information on informal laws, cultural and traditional practices as well as social norms and attitudes that discriminate against women.
Statutory Law, Patriarchy and Inheritance - Home Ownership among Widows in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1005 downloads
This paper discusses the ways in which urban widows in Uganda are deprived of homeownership upon the death of their husbands. It is based on a qualitative research conducted in the middle-income areas of Kampala between 2004 and 2007. The results show that the institutional legal framework and the patriarchal customary practices and beliefs deprive widows of home ownership notwithstanding the gender sensitive Constitution. The study also shows that the special ways in which widows are able to inherit the matrimonial home upon the death of their husbands demonstrate the difficulty widows face to become home owners.
The Role of Ugandan Women in Rural Agriculture and Food Security.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 3099 downloads
Women engaged in small-scale rural agriculture in Iganga, Uganda for the purpose of household food security and/or income generation face a number of challenges to creating sustainable livelihoods. This analysis is presented in the form of a case study based on research conducted over the period of one year in Uganda between September 2012 and September 2013.
Uganda Gender Policy 2007.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 2104 downloads
The development of a National Gender Policy (NGP) in 1997, and its revision in 2007, confirms the Government of the Republic of Uganda's unequivocal commitment to take actions that will bring about more equal gender relations. The policy will ensure that all Government policies and programmes, in all areas and at all levels, are consistent with the long-term goal of eliminating gender inequalities.
Uganda Report on the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, 2000.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1476 downloads
This report presents information on the progress by the Government of the Republic of Uganda, in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action (1995) and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the UN General Assembly (2000). It has been written in accordance with specific guidance from the Commission on the Status of Women. The report is arranged in four main parts, following specific themes provided to States Parties through a questionnaire designed by the Commission to guide the reporting format.
Understanding Gender Differences in Agricultural productivity in Uganda and Nigeria.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1213 downloads
We investigate gender differences in agricultural productivity using data collected in 2005 from Nigeria and in 2003 from Uganda. Results indicate that lower productivity is persistent from female-owned plotsand female-headed households, accounting for a range of socioeconomic variables, agricultural inputs,and crop choices using multivariate Tobit models. These results are robust to the inclusion of household-level unobservables. However, productivity differences depend on the type of gender indicator used, crop-specific samples, agro-ecological region, and inclusion of biophysical characteristics.
UNDP Uganda - Country Gender Assessment 2016.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 974 downloads
This Country Gender Assessment (CGA) for Uganda is purposed around informing the programming work of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as it seeks to implement its Gender Equality Strategy (2014-2017).
What's in it for us - Gender issues in Uganda's oil and gas sector.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1198 downloads
In 2012, International Alert carried out a baseline study in Uganda’s Albertine region (Governanceand Livelihoods in Uganda’s Oil-rich Albertine Graben) as part of the ‘Harnessing the Potential ofOil to Contribute to Peace and Development in Uganda’ project. The objective of the research wa sto establish baseline data needed to measure the degree and quality of change in the livelihoods of communities where oil exploration is taking place. One area of focus in the baseline was gender - specifically, women’s role in decision-making, gender roles in the household, women’s control over assets, and perceived changes in gender roles.
Who owns the land - Perspectives from Rural Ugandans and Implications for Land Acquisitions, 2012.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1243 downloads
Rapid growth of demand for agricultural land is putting pressure on property rights systems, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where customary tenure systems have provided secure land access.
Women and Customary Land rights in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1286 downloads
Research shows that Ugandan women in Acholi, Langi and Iteso societies have significant land rights under customary tenure arrangements. Many, however, face challenges in realizing their rights. Despite formal laws that forbid discrimination against women, significant disparities between the rights of men and women arise from violation of customary law.
Women Property and inheritance rights in the context of HIV&AIDS.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1069 downloads
UGANET responded to a call by UN-WOMEN, the United Nations agency working on gender equality. This particular project was meant to address the intersections of vulnerability due to HIV&AIDS, and in particular deprivation of women’ inheritance and property rights in the context of HIV&AIDS, given the fact that women bear the brunt of the epidemic.
Women's land claims in the Acholi Region of Northern Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 2854 downloads
Women are often understood to be highly marginalised in typical African customary land regimes. The research presented in this article found that in the Acholi region of northern Uganda this is not the case. The crisis of land conflict that followed the twenty-year lra insurgency and mass rural displacement has seemingly passed, notwithstanding a minimal contribution from the formal justice, law and order sector: local state actors as well as clan elders are mediating and adjudicating disputes on the basis of custom.
Women's Movements, Customary Law, and Land Rights in Africa- The Case of Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1431 downloads
Much of the literature on women and land tenure in Africa has viewed the introduction of land titling, registration, and the privatization of land under colonialism and after independence as a setback for women, leaving women in a state of even greater insecurity with poorer prospects for accessing land, and hence, obtaining a livelihood.
Women's Rights in Uganda- Gaps Between Policy and Practice.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 2663 downloads
While there have been some positive recent steps to fight violence against women in Uganda, in particular the adoption of laws criminalising female genital mutilation and sanctioning domestic violence, measures necessary to ensure their implementation are lacking, whilst other much needed reforms of discriminatory laws have stalled.
Women's rights to land ownership in Uganda - policy and practice.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 11446 downloads
This article examines whether land rights granted to women by the legal and policy framework in Uganda translates into actual ownership. Land is an important resource for women given their role in agriculture. This article, however, argues that despite a relatively impressive list of existing laws that provide rights to land, actual ownership by women remains merely theoretical.
Women, Marriage and Asset Inheritance in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 14 August 2018 By Super User 1474 downloads
It is increasingly being recognized by researchers and donors that access to and ownership of assets is critical for increasing productivity, especially agricultural productivity, and for enabling people to move out of poverty. Most of these analyses have used the household as the unit of analysis.