Thursday, Mar 27, 2025


Folder Land and Rural Development


A review of Uganda’s Agricultural Policy and how it addresses AgriFose2030’s Target Groups  Published Popular


A review of Uganda’s Agricultural Policy and how it addresses AgriFose2030’s Target Groups.pdf

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A review of Uganda’s Agricultural Policy and how it addresses AgriFose2030’s Target Groups

This paper provides an overview of existing agricultural policies in Uganda and how they address the key AgriFose2030 target groups that include; smallholder farmers, women and youth. One of the main policies in Uganda’s agricultural sector is the National Agriculture Policy (NAP) which deals with commercialization of smallholder agriculture through accessibility of financial services such as, loans. However, NAP lacks a consistent and implementation framework thereby hindering proper transformation and increase of agricultural production in the sector

Achieving Uganda’s Development Ambition The Economic Impact of Green Growth An Agenda for Action  Published Popular


Achieving Uganda’s Development Ambition. The Economic Impact of Green Growth- An Agenda for Action.pdf

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Achieving Uganda’s Development Ambition  The Economic Impact of Green Growth  An Agenda for Action

Uganda has seen an average of 7% annual economic growth over the last two decades. This has resulted in a reduction in headcount poverty, from 56% in 1992-1993 to 20% in 2012-2013; around half a million jobs created annually; and improved access to basic services.

Balancing Development and Community Livelihoods A framework for land acquisition and resettlement in Uganda  Published Popular


Balancing Development and Community Livelihoods - A framework for land acquisition and resettlement in Uganda.pdf

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Balancing Development and Community Livelihoods   A framework for land acquisition and resettlement in Uganda

Land acquisition for development projects by government, private investors and land speculators is a critical source of tensions and conflicts in many parts of Uganda. Following the discovery of commercially viable oil reserves in 2006, Uganda turned attention to extractives and oil development as a matter of national priority. Evidence of this assertion can be found in the recent 2016-17 national budget allocations, where the
portion for oil development is substantial.

Bottom up Accountability Initiatives to Claim Tenure Rights in Sub Saharan Africa Collaborative action research on the rush for land and water in Uganda, Mukono District  Published Popular


Bottom-up Accountability Initiatives to Claim Tenure Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa- Collaborative action research on the rush for land and water in Uganda, Mukono District.pdf

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Bottom up Accountability Initiatives to Claim Tenure Rights in Sub Saharan Africa  Collaborative action research on the rush for land and water in Uganda, Mukono District

This action research project is being implemented by KWDT with support from TNI and FIAN. The action research
project aims to answer the following questions and achieve the objectives therein: understanding the local commu-
nities’ knowledge, visions and practices regarding natural resource governance and development, strengthening the
research capacity of small scale food producers’ organisations, identifying the main gaps in and obstacles to applying
international human rights law to land, and strengthening the advocacy capacity of small scale food producers, and
identifying strategies to overcome the above-mentioned gaps

Challenges for Pro Poor Growth in Uganda  Published Popular


Challenges for Pro-Poor Growth in Uganda.pdf

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Challenges for Pro Poor Growth in Uganda

The economic development and poverty reduction in Uganda since the fall of Idi Amin has in many ways been noteworthy. The incidence of poverty has decreased from 56 percent of the population in 1992 to 44 percent in 1997 and 38 percent in 2003.

Community Agriculture Infrastructure Improvement Programme (CAIIP) What are the implementation challenges  Published Popular


Community Agriculture Infrastructure Improvement Programme (CAIIP) - What are the implementation challenges.pdf

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Community Agriculture Infrastructure Improvement Programme (CAIIP)   What are the implementation challenges

The Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) formulated  the  Community  Agricultural Infrastructure  Improvement  Programme (CAIIP) in 2006 to enhance commercialization of agriculture and improve market access

Comparative Study of Land Tenure Reform in Four countries Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya  Published Popular


Comparative Study of Land Tenure Reform in Four countries - Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya.pdf

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Comparative Study of Land Tenure Reform in Four countries   Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya

Despite their divergent colonial and post-colonial histories, these four countries have experienced a remarkable convergence in the current state of affairs regarding customary land tenure.

Country level evaluation  Published Popular


Country level evaluation.pdf

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Country level evaluation

Provide relevant external cooperation services of the EC and the wider public with
an overall independent and accountable assessment of the Commission’s past
and current cooperation relations with Uganda during the period 2001-2007;

Creating opportunities for young people in Northern Uganda’s agriculture sector  Published Popular


Creating opportunities for young people in Northern Uganda’s agriculture sector.pdf

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Creating opportunities for young people in Northern Uganda’s agriculture sector

This paper explores the realities of young people’s livelihoods and their transition to adulthood in rural Northern Uganda. It seeks to shed light on how and why young people find employment in the agriculture sector,to determine the obstacles they face and to highlight the opportunities available to them.

Customary Land Ownership and Underdevelopment in Northern Uganda  Published Popular


Customary Land Ownership and Underdevelopment in Northern Uganda.pdf

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Customary Land Ownership and Underdevelopment in Northern Uganda

Contemporary discourse on land in Africa is polarized between advocates of tenure reform through state registration of individual titles to land and others who claim that customary or „communal‟ tenure is the only check against landlessness among the poor in the African countryside, and that „pro-poor‟ land policy should therefore strengthen customary rights to land.

Customary land tenure reform in Uganda Leaasons from South Africa  Published Popular


customary land tenure reform in Uganda - Leaasons from South Africa.pdf

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Customary land tenure reform in Uganda   Leaasons from South Africa

Contemporary discourse on land in Africa is polarized between advocates of tenure reform through state registration of individual titles to land and others who claim that customary or „communal‟ tenure is the only check against landlessness among the poor in the African countryside, and that „pro-poor‟ land policy should therefore strengthen customary rights to land.

Does customary tenure have a role in modern economic development  Published Popular


Does customary tenure have a role in modern economic development.pdf

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Does customary tenure have a role in modern economic development

Over 80% of all land in Uganda is held under unregistered ‘customary tenure’. This means that it is private property, but the owners need no
documents to prove ownership

Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Uganda  Published Popular


Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Uganda.pdf

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Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Uganda

Uganda has made enormous progress in reducing poverty, slashing the countrywide incidence from 56 per cent of the population in 1992 to 24.5 per cent in 2009. The reduction of poverty in urban areas has been especially marked.

Enhancing Youth Participation in Agriculture in Uganda Policy Proposals  Published Popular


Enhancing Youth Participation in Agriculture in Uganda- Policy Proposals.pdf

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Enhancing Youth Participation in Agriculture in Uganda  Policy Proposals

This publication is a paper prepared by the Young Leaders Think Tank on Policy Alternatives that analyses youth participation in agriculture in Uganda. The paper was developed to study different factors in youth participation with a special focus on government policies that advance it, their limitations and possible alternative policy recommendations to complement existing ones.

Ethnicity and the politics of land tenure reform in central Uganda  Published Popular


Ethnicity and the politics of land tenure reform in central Uganda.pdf

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Ethnicity and the politics of land tenure reform in central Uganda

Land tenure reform is certainly one of the most divisive yet important topics in sub-saharan africa today. For countries with high rural populations and high population growth rates,an efficient and fair land tenure system is commonyl seen  as necessary in order to alleviate poverty and reduce conflict

Evaluating the Impact of Land Tenure and Titling on Access to Credit in Uganda  Published Popular


Evaluating the Impact of Land Tenure and Titling on Access to Credit in Uganda.pdf

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Evaluating the Impact of Land Tenure and Titling on Access to Credit in Uganda

This publication is a paper prepared by the Young Leaders Think Tank on Policy Alternatives that analyses youth participation in agriculture in Uganda. The paper was developed to study different factors in youth participation with a special focus on government policies that advance it, their limitations and possible alternative policy recommendations to complement existing ones.

Gaps, barriers and bottlenecks to sustainable land management (SLM) adoption in Uganda  Published Popular


Gaps, barriers and bottlenecks to sustainable land management (SLM) adoption in Uganda.pdf

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Gaps, barriers and bottlenecks to sustainable land management (SLM) adoption in Uganda

Land degradation is a global problem and a great challenge to sustaining the biological, economic and social services provided by various ecosystems. This work assessed the causes of land degradation in Uganda and identified gaps, barriers and bottlenecks that hinder sustainable land management programmes adoption.

How to Integrate Statutory and customary Tenure the Uganda case  Published Popular


How to Integrate Statutory and customary Tenure - the Uganda case.pdf

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How to Integrate Statutory and customary Tenure   the Uganda case

The last two decades have witnessed extensive land tenure reform in East and Southern Africa, with almost every country in the region having undergone some kind of reform. The reform process has been accompanied by much discussion on the need to integrate customary and statutory land tenure systems in policy and legislation.

Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001 2010, Uganda National Report  Published Popular


Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010, Uganda National Report.pdf

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Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001 2010, Uganda National Report

The last two decades have witnessed extensive land tenure reform in East and Southern Africa, with almost every country in the region having undergone some kind of reform. The reform process has been accompanied by much discussion on the need to integrate customary and statutory land tenure systems in policy and legislation.

Improving Land Administration for Good Governance What Uganda Can Do to Achieve Complete Coverage  Published Popular


Improving Land Administration for Good Governance- What Uganda Can Do to Achieve Complete Coverage.pdf

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Improving Land Administration for Good Governance  What Uganda Can Do to Achieve Complete Coverage

Land in Uganda like other agrarian societies is the only primary means of survival; to generate a livelihood, accumulate wealth and transfer it between generations. It is probably the most invaluable asset for the citizens of Uganda. With more than 80% of the population on rural land directly deriving livelihoods through subsistence agriculture,land access, ownership and use are core to economic, social and environmental drivers
of land reforms in Uganda.