Sunday, Feb 09, 2025
Review of the Legal Framework for Land Administration in Uganda, 2010.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1938 downloads
The Government of Uganda has recieved funds (under Credit Number:3975 UG) from the International Development Association (IDA),towards the cost of the Second Private Sector Comeptitiveness Project (PSCP 11).It has applied part of the proceeds of this Credit to the Land Component of that project
Second National Development Plan 2015-16 to 2019-20 (NDPII).pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1933 downloads
This National Development Plan (NDPII) is the second in a series of six 5-year Plans aimed at achieving Uganda Vision 2040. The goal of this Plan is to propel the country into middle income status by 2020 with a per capita income of USD1,033. This will be realized through strengthening the country‘s competitiveness for sustainable wealth creation, employment and inclusive growth.
Securing Land Tenure and Easing Access to Land.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 829 downloads
To engage in modern commercial farming, global experience indicates that it is necessary to secure land tenure needed to support long term investments and growth in productivity; secure tenure is also needed to create vibrant land markets that can shift land and labor resources from low to higher productive entities.
The Land Act 1998 and Land Tenure Reform in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 2902 downloads
There is a broad agreement among economic historians that the ‘agricultural revolutions’ coincided or even preceded the industrial revolution in Euro-pean countries. The transfer of land to individual owners as a result of the enclosure movement in England led to the mechanisation of agriculture, re-sulting in increased production.
The Lost Counties- Politics of Land Rights and Belonging in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 2145 downloads
With the 1900 Uganda Agreement the British Government granted the elite in Buganda Kingdom large tracts of titled land in parts of Bunyoro Kingdom. This area, including the present Kibaale District, is commonly referred to as the "Lost Counties".
The Politics of Land Reform in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1363 downloads
The king had just been restored to the kingdom after decades of turbulent civil war. The roads, bridges, and farmland had been destroyed during the battles, thousands had died, and the economy was in shambles.
The Role of Surveyors in Achieving Uganda Vision 2040.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1129 downloads
The Vision 2040 defines the aspirations of the government to change the country from a predominantly low income to a competitive upper middle-income country with a per capita of USD 9,500. The Vision 2040 is conceptualized around strengthening the fundamentals of the economy toharness the abundant opportunities of Uganda.
The Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy 2017-18 to 2030-31.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 637 downloads
The 2030 Transformative Agenda on Sustainable Development that is defined by 17 Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) presents an opportunity for Uganda to renew its commitment to sustainable development principles. Sustainable development is a basic principle that runs through the Uganda Vision 2040, the second National Development Plan and the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. As the country rallies behindtransforming from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country by 2040, the Government is taking steps toensure that this transformation is cognizant of green growth tenets stipulated by all the SDGs, the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2063 Agenda of the African Union. This implies that the envisaged economic growth must not only be socially inclusive but also uphold the integrity of the environment andnatural resources.
Uganda - Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme Project -1 (CAIIP-1).pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 791 downloads
The Community agricultural Infrastructure Improvement programme – project I (CaIIp-1) was the result of a comprehensive review of Uganda’sagriculture and rural sector carried out by the Government of Uganda in collaboration with the african Development Bank (afDB or Bank) in 2005.
Uganda- Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. IMF 2010.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 905 downloads
This National Development Plan (NDP) covers the fiscal period 2010/11 to 2014/15. It stipulates the Country’s medium term strategic direction, development priorities and implementation strategies. In addition, it details Uganda’s current development status, challenges and opportunities. In line with the National Vision Framework, six (6) five-year NDPs will be implemented of which this is the first.
Uganda’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), 2015.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 568 downloads
Uganda is submitting its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution in compliance with Decision 1/CP.19 (Further advancing the Durban Platform:and in particular Paragraph 1 (b & c)) and as elaborated in Decision 1/CP.20 (Lima Call for Climate Action and in particular paragraph 11) premised on the Convention and guided by its principles.
Understanding changing land access issues for the rural poor in Uganda.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 647 downloads
Access to land is fundamental to the life of the majority of Ugandans. About 73 per cent of Uganda’s population of almost 35 million depend on farming, with some 83 per cent of Uganda’s women and some 66 per cent of employed labour engaged in agricultural activities. The way people access land – and the extent to which they face constraints and changes in doing so – is a critical issue for millions. Many sense that the scale and pace of change in land access are increasing rapidly, but solid evidence of this has been weak.
What should be done to enhance tenure security in Uganda and Further Development.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 967 downloads
Government on February 5, 2008 tabled a new Land (Amendment) Bill 1 before Parliament which is currently being scrutinised by the Committee on Physical Infrastructure and on Legal Affairs 2 . Since and even before its tabling in Parliament, this Bill has instigated a heated and controversial public and parliamentary debate.