Saturday, Mar 29, 2025


Folder Land Governance Strategies


Mainstreaming Land Governance in IGAD Policies, Strategies and Programmes  Published Popular



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Mainstreaming Land Governance in IGAD Policies, Strategies and Programmes

Land is a primary asset for survival and development in Eastern Africa. In most of the countries pastoralism is a major land use owing to the limited amount of arable land - Uganda has the highest proportion of potentially arable land at 70.8%, while Somalia is at 3.8% and Djibouti at 0%.

The IGAD Land Governance Strategy  Published Popular


IGAD Land Governance Strategy.pdf

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The IGAD Land Governance Strategy

The IGAD Land Governance Strategy is derived from and guided by the overall IGAD Strategy. It however specifically provides a comprehensive and coherent framework aimed at guiding IGAD programmes in the area of land governance. The development of this strategy was complemented by the previous one whose main focus was environment and natural resources; and by others that addressed issues of peace and security, food
security, gender, etc. It also tapped into relevant regional and international development processes, conventions and agreements.