Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025


Folder Inaugural Regional Dialogue on Land Administration 2017


1. Synthesis Report of the IGAD Regional Dialogue on Land Administration  Published Popular



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2. Outcome Document of the 1st Inaugural Regional Dialogue on Land Governance 10 11 2017  Published Popular


Outcome document of the 1st Inaugural Regional Dialogue on Land Governance 10-11-2017.pdf

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Djibouti  Published Popular



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L’objectif de la politique foncière est d’assurer la résorption de l’habitat précaire et répondre en priorité aux besoins de logement des ménages dont les revenus se situent en dessous de 150 000FD (844$), en s’appuyant sur un cadre institutionnel et réglementaire réformé et une politique active de logement.La République de Djibouti agit à travers deux lois relatif au Schéma Directeur qui définissent les planifications et les
grandes orientations de Djibouti ville et des cinq régions.

Establishing a Regional Multi Stakeholder Platform  Published Popular


Establishing a Regional Multi-Stakeholder Platform.ppt

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Establishing a Regional Multi Stakeholder Platform

Mandate derived from the AU Declaration on Land Issues and challenges in Africa. To facilitate experience sharing, lessons learnt dissemination of best practices in land policy formulation, implementation and monitoring based on members states experiences.

Ethiopia  Published Popular



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Implement Rural land administration & use proclamations Eth.Constitution,456/2005 &455/2005 /laws.  Land registration and certification Land Use Plan Initiate & develop new policy ideas & amendment of the existing land policy.Laws, regulations, standards,…..etc Put in place an enforceable & transparent LAS in the country.Coordinate all stakeholders at Federal level.Harmonize & standardize the activities.

Ethiopia Presentation Tigistu Gebremeskel  Published Popular


9-Ethiopia Presentation - Tigistu Gebremeskel.ppt

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Ethiopia  Presentation   Tigistu Gebremeskel

Federal State

Eth. Constitution…. Land tenure/ownership addressed here

Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation..456/2005

Land expropriation and compensation proclamation and

Frank Presentation at the IGAD Regional Dialogue and Development Partners Meeting November 8 2017  Published Popular


Frank Presentation at the IGAD Regional Dialogue and Development Partners Meeting November 8 2017.pptx

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Frank Presentation at the IGAD Regional Dialogue and Development Partners Meeting November 8 2017


State of Land Administration in Africa
Examples of Promising Good Practices
Recommended Policy Actions

IGAD Regional Dialogue Opening Remarks of Switzerland, delivered by Peter Sidler  Published Popular


IGAD Regional Dialogue - Opening Remarks of Switzerland, delivered by Peter Sidler.pdf

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IGAD Regional Dialogue   Opening Remarks of Switzerland, delivered by Peter Sidler

Switzerland is promoting
1. access to land for all, including pastoralists, women, and youth.

2. Moreover, we are strengthening the security of land tenure for all, again with a particular focus on
pastoralists, women, and youth.

Mapping IGAD Training & Research Institutions  Published Popular


Mapping IGAD Training & Research Institutions.pptx

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Mapping  IGAD Training & Research Institutions

The consultant used the following methods when conducting the study: Comprehensive Desk review :A comprehensive review of policies and legislation, published and unpublished reports, academic works and studies was conducted.IGAD member Countries Visit The consultant visited five IGAD member countries namely, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda.  South Sudan and Somalia were not visited due to security reasons and Eritrea was not visited because it was suspended from IGAD.

Mapping IGAD Land training institutions  Published Popular


Mapping IGAD Land training institutions.ppt

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Mapping IGAD  Land training institutions

The main objective of the study was to identify land administration, training and research institutions and assess their capacities and identify gaps and challenges to implement the AU Declaration on Land and recommendations for strengthening the institutions

Presentation on IGAD Land Governance Strategy revised (1)  Published Popular


Presentation on IGAD Land Governance Strategy-revised (1).pptx

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Presentation on IGAD Land Governance Strategy revised (1)

The IGAD Land Governance Strategy derives directly from the IGAD Regional Strategy of 2016-2020 and its accompanying Implementation Plan (2016-2020).

RCMRD  Published Popular



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Building capacity of RCMRD and its member states;

Facilitating peer learning, partnership and coordination;

Enhancing capacity of institutions;

Promoting monitoring and evaluation of land policy reform

Evolving technology

SLGA Jk  Published Popular


SLGA Jk.ppt

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Enhance institutional capacity to implement the Declaration

Mainstream land in the African development agenda

Synergies, coordination,partnerships & mobilize resources

Communication and advocacy

Research/ knowledge generation

Somalia  Published Popular



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Before colonial times the Somali society had an effective system of governance. This traditional system, which is still in use in Somalia today, managed all societal relations between communities, such as conflicts, resource sharing, and the provision of the rule of law, through the customary laws (Xeer).

The Effect of the Armed Conflict on Land and Natural Resources in South Sudan  Published Popular


The Effect of the Armed Conflict on Land and Natural Resources in South Sudan.docx

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The Effect of the Armed Conflict on Land and Natural Resources in South Sudan

The land regime in the erstwhile Sudan was managed by the land laws and practice of the then British Colonial Administration that ruled the country for more than fifty years. That land regime was anchored in the law that was called the ‘the Civil Transaction and the Resettlement of Land Act, 1925’.

Uganda  Published Popular



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The Vision of the National Land Policy is “a transformed Ugandan society through optimal use and management of land resources for a prosperous
and industrialized economy with a developed services sector.” as stated in Vision 2040