Sunday, Feb 09, 2025
Report of the Land Governance and Pastoralism Meeting 24-6 April 2018.doc
Published on 07 September 2018 Modified on 08 September 2018 By Super User 534 downloads
Arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) dominate the landmass of IGAD region – form 60-70% of the total landmass. ASALs receive less than 600mm of rainfall per year and are susceptible to cyclical patterns of short and more persistent droughts. Pastoralism, an extensive and mobile rearing of livestock on communal rangelands, is the major livelihood and production system practiced in ASALs thereby employing a greater percentage of the population. Pastoralism involves mobility to access seasonally available pastures and water. There are also agro-pastoralists who are largely sedentary, combining livestock rearing with crop production.
AU_Land Governance.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 458 downloads
A common Vision and, firm and shared Commitment by African nations and aspiration of African peoples for improved governance of land tenure and centrality of land in social and economic development.
Ethiopia_Land use Policy and Land use planning.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 501 downloads
Land Policy of Ethiopia is already stipulated in the constitution Article 40 (3 )The right to ownership “Rural & Urban land as well as all natural resources belongs to the state & the people. Land is a common property of the nations, nationalities & peoples of Ethiopia & shall not be subject tosale or to other means of transfer “
Ethiopia_Pastoral Land Governance.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 427 downloads
60 % of the country’s land mass
Contributes US $1.53 billion per year, (6 % of the agricultural gross domestic product (Berhanu and Feyera, 2009).
However, Ethiopia’s rangeland systems are under threat: b/c of conversion of pastoral land and other reasons
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 471 downloads
The total grazing and browsing area in Ethiopia isabout 62 million hectares (about 60% of total land mass) of which 88% receive less that 600 mm rainfall per annum (Mortimore 1998, PFE 2009).
The pastoral system is the most appropriate management of range lands in Africa (Behnke, et al., 1993; Scoones, 1994)
Pastoralists/agro-pastoralists are the main range land users in these areas (about 15% of the total population)
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 520 downloads
Before 25th June, 2009, Kenya had no clearly defined National Land PolicyThe existence of many land laws, some of which were incompatible led to complex land management and administrative systemIt resulted in fragmentation of land parcels, disparities in landownership, deterioration in land quality, squatting and landlessness,tenure security and conflict among
Kenya_Land use planning.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 439 downloads
Pastoralism is economic activity concerned with raising of livestock.Rangelands open land mostly used for grazing.Land and pastoralism are a critical issue in Kenya.There are various tools that are used for securing the rights of pastoralist. Theyinclude; national land use policy, Kenya’s vision 2030, National Spatial Plan,Sessional paper No. 3 of 2009 National Land Policy
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 489 downloads
ASALs make up 89% of the country. Arid counties alone cover 70% and are home to 38% of the human population and 70% of the national livestock herd and 90% of the wild game that supports the country’s tourism industry.
Protocol on Transhumance April 2018.ppt
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 470 downloads
Transhumance is the seasonal movement of pastoralists and their herds from their usual grazing areas in search of water and pasture
Pastoralism is a concept that plays within the nexus of rangeland livestock keeping system, climate variability, grazing land and water resources, and pastoral mobility
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 435 downloads
To enhance livelihood resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in cross-border drought prone areas of IGAD countries
It is a Regional Project (Ethiopia $75 million, Kenya $77 million & Uganda $40 million)
Focus on Pastoralism and cross-border areas
Sudan_Land Governance and pastoralism in the Sudan.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 468 downloads
Mechanized rain-fed agriculture – this is performed in the central and eastern clay plain soils
Traditional rain-fed agriculture practiced extensively in the sandy soils of Darfor, Kordofan and White Nile states
Mechanized irrigation agriculture practiced in the schemes of ALjazera , Halfa Algadeda, Alrahad, Dalta Algash, Dalta tokar,Alsooke, Algened, Asalia, Kenana, Sennar and Khashm Algebra
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 515 downloads
Rangelands in Sudan defined as "Suitable land for growth of range plants, used and recognized between pastoralists, according to the approved maps".
Major source of feed for the national herd.Available rangelands area estimated as 68.6million hectares represents 35.6% of total countryarea (FAO, 2012), represents herbaceous plants,shrubs trees categories.
Uganda_Land Goverance.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 454 downloads
Land Governance is the process by which decisions are made regarding the access to and use of land, the manner in which those decisions areimplemented and the way that conflicting interests in land are reconciled.In Uganda Land Governance is provided for by the National Land Policy 2013 and the Land Act 1998 (Cap. 227) NEMA, Physical planning Act, Mining Act etc. The land regulations 2004,SDGs VGGTs
Uganda_Land use Planning Policy, Tools.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 500 downloads
Pastoralism refers to the care, tending and use of animals such as camels, goats, cattle, and sheep.It has a mobile aspect; moving the herds in search of fresh pasture and water (in contrast to pastoral farming, in which non-nomadic farmers grow crops and improve pastures for their livestock).
Uganda rangelands.pptx
Published on 25 August 2018 Modified on 25 August 2018 By Super User 481 downloads
Cover 44% of the country’s total land area mainly in the “cattle corridor”, diagonal belt.
Vital socio-economiclandscape. Primary economic activity is raising livestock
Holds 80% of the national herd
Account for 85% of the milk and 95% of beef