Sunday, Mar 30, 2025
Agriculture Sector Development Strategy and Investment Plan 2010-11 to 2014-15..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1679 downloads
AAIF’s new DSIP comes at a critical time for Uganda. There is a renewed recognition of the fundamental importance of agriculture to the Ugandan economy and of the central role it has to play in development, economic growth and poverty reduction.
Land Sector Strategic Plan LSSP-II-2013 - 2023.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1989 downloads
The mandate of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MOLHUD) is “policy making, standards setting, national planning, regulation, coordination, inspection,monitoring and back-up technical support relating to lands, housing and urban development;promoting and fostering sustainable human settlement; and, managing works on government buildings” in the country.
Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan 2013-14 to 2017-18.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 2003 downloads
The Lands, Housing and Urban Development (LHUD) sector is comprised of the Ministry of Lands,Housing and Urban Development and the Uganda Land Commission. The sector has a responsibility of ensuring rational and sustainable use, effective management of land and orderly development of urban and rural areas as well as safe, planned and adequate housing for socio-economic development of the countryand management of Government land.
National Agriculture Policy, 2013..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1716 downloads
This National Agriculture Policy (NAP) has been formulated in line with the Con-stitution of the Republic of Uganda. Objective XI (ii) of the Constitution provides that the state shall “stimulate agricultural, industrial, technological and scientif-ic development by adopting appropriate policies and enactment of enabling leg-islation.”Objective XXII (a) provides that the state shall “take appropriate steps to encourage people to grow and store adequate food.”
National Land Use Policy.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1076 downloads
The overall goal for the national land use policy is “To achieve sustainable and equitable socio-economic development through optimal land management and utilization in Uganda”
The National Development Plan.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1160 downloads
This National Development Plan (NDP) covers the fiscal period 2010/2011 to 2014/2015.It stipulates the country's medium term strategic direction,development priorities and implementation strategies.
The Uganda Nationa Land Policy 2013.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1586 downloads
Land in Uganda is a critical factor of production and an essential pillar of human existence and national development.Land in Uganda is a critical factor of production and an essential pillar of human existence and national development Since the advent of colonialsin,the country has never had a comprehensive land policy
Uganda Forestry Policy 2001..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1112 downloads
Uganda's first forestry policy was written in 1929.Forestry policy has undergone a series of changes since then, alternating between stricter conservation on the one hand and more liberal economic use of forest resources on the other hand.
Uganda Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management 2010 - 2020..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 1269 downloads
The Government of Uganda recognizes land degradation as a major impediment to sustainable growth in agriculture, natural resources productivity, and national economic development.
Vision 2040.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 15 August 2018 By Super User 719 downloads
Uganda Vision 2040 provides develop-ment paths and strategies to operation-alize Uganda’s Vision statement whichis “A Transformed Ugandan Socie-ty from a Peasant to a Modern andProsperous Country within 30 years”as approved by Cabinet in 2007.