Friday, Mar 28, 2025
Land Governance in IGAD Region - South Sudan Country Profile.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 06 August 2018 By Super User 4338 downloads
South Sudan is still haunted by the laws formulated before it‟s secession such as the Unregistered Land Law of 1970. In essence, that law provided that all land that is not registered shall be owned by the state/government. This law went against the interest of the south as all the rural land is not registered and so it would by that law be taken over by the state. Under the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011, the people of South Sudan own all the country‟s land and its usage is regulated by the government in accordance with the Constitution and Law. The applicable law in this case is the Land Act of 2009.
South Sudan Economy Profile - Doing Business 2018.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 06 August 2018 By Super User 1675 downloads
The Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies andselected cities at the subnational and regional level.
The Doing Business project, launched in 2002, looks at domestic small and medium-size companies and measures the regulationsapplying to them through their life cycle.