Sunday, Feb 23, 2025


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National Development Plan 2017 2019  Published Popular


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National Development Plan 2017 2019

The process of crafting the first Somalia National Development Plan (NDP) in 30 years was both exciting and complex. For morethan a year, the capable team at the Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation (MoPIC) worked tirelessly to envision adevelopment plan consistent with Somalia‘s steady recovery from 25 years of state collapse, persistent conflict and a shatteredeconomy.

National Livestock Policy  Published Popular


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National Livestock Policy

Somaliland, a former British Protectorate, achieved its independence on 26th June 1960. Following the independence of the Italian colony of Somalia, Somaliland united with the former Italian colony of Somalia on 1st July 1960 to form the Republic of Somalia. The democratically elected government ruled for 9 years (1960-69). Under the democratic rule, the private sector contribution to national development was substantial and was progressively growing. However, a military revolution took place on 21st October 1969 and the military regime took control of the country. The new military regime declared Somalia to be a socialist state and all sectors of development were nationalised by the government. The military rule persisted for 21 years during which economic development continued to deteriorate and, together with occurrence of many civil conflicts, led to the collapse of the military Government in early 1991, followed by destruction of all vital infrastructures.

The Somali Compact  Published Popular


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The Somali Compact

This Compact is the result of an inclusive process to determine the priorities of Somalia for the nextthree years (2014-2016). The process, based on the Busan New Deal principles, was initiated inDecember 2012, by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the international community. InMarch 2013, the FGS and representatives of the Somali Federal Parliament, Somali civil society, theUnited Nations and the lead donor representative (European Union) established the High Level TaskForce (HLTF) to guide and support this endeavour, on the basis of mutual accountability.