Saturday, Mar 29, 2025
Reforming and Restructuring the Planning and Building Laws and Regulations in Kenya for Sustainable Development.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 789 downloads
The world is urbanizing at a very rapid rate. According to a report by the UN Habitatthree out of ten people on the planet lived in urban areas by the mid-20th century(Habitat, 2010). In the beginning of the 21st century it is estimated that half of thepopulation lives in urban areas and it is projected that by the middle of the 21st centuryall regions will be predominantly urban.
Sector Plan for Population, Urbanization and Housing 2013 – 2017.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 730 downloads
High population growth, rapid urbanisation, sky-rocketing cost of housing and their subsequent implicationson socio-economic development are challenges the Government is committed to address. Populationmanagement is key to improving quality of life thereby reducing poverty levels. Kenya’s population hasbeen increasing rapidly at 3.0 per cent per year since 1999 reaching 38.6 million in 2009 from 28.7million recorded in 1999.
Securing tenure rights in informal settlements, 2017.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 4772 downloads
The Constitution of Kenya provides that every citizen has the right to property. The provisionensures that an individual or group of people that acquire land have the protection to own thisproperty if acquired lawfully. Individuals living in informal settlements then have a right tohave property when acquired through proper means.
Sustainable Urban Communities- Challenges and Opportunities in Kenya’s Urban Sector.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 924 downloads
During the last forty years, the economic and demographic structure of Kenya has become increasingly urban. In the 1980s the urban population in the country grew at over 6.5 percent a year, more than double the rate for the rural population. This expansion has occurred even under the most adverse conditions of repressed urban investment, as was the case during the 1990s.1 Presently, urban areas account for the predominant share of GDP; that is five largest Kenyan cities and urban centres generate more than 70 percent of the country’s GDP2. The central role of cities in economic growth has been highlighted in the ongoing policy work especially the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation for the period 2003-07 (ERS-WEC) and Vision 2030.3 The contribution of industry and services is estimated at 88 percent of economic growth over the same period.4 Policy acknowledges that development of urban areas is closely linked to the rural economy through the exchange of labour, capital, goods, services, information and technology that benefit residents in both settings.5 The urbanization process is accompanied by excess demand for housing, water, sewerage, and other basic urban services, and by increasing levels of urban unemployment. These problems are compounded by poor public policy and institutional challenges. This paper describes the major challenges faced by the government, local authorities and the Civil Society Organisations as they grapple with the processes and dynamics of urbanisation. The paper draws from past experiences; lessons learned, and the opportunities that these lessons, existing policy frameworks and the challenges themselves present for action.
The ABC’s of Affordable Housing in Kenya.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 1150 downloads
We are living in a world where the majority of people livein cities and 1 billion live in slums, a figure that will double by 2030.1 Urban populations are growing at a rate much faster than can be absorbed and managed, causing demands on services and infrastructure that massively outstrip supply. In many emerging market cities, this leaves the majority of residents with fewoptions but to live in slums.
The Challenges of Housing Development for the Low Income Population in Kenya- A Case Of Eldoret Town.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 1736 downloads
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges of housing development for the low income population in Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to identify the motivation behind the players in the housing industry, to analyze the methods of housing provision by existing housing developers for the low income market, to examine the challenges faced by housing developers in the low income market and hindrances to their efforts, to evaluate the challenges faced by low income people in accessing housing and to consider how best to manage the challenges identified so as to increase rate of housing provision.
The Relationship between Urban Land Conflicts and Inequity- The Case of Nairobi..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 1441 downloads
This thesis sets out to deepen our understanding of the linkages between urban dynamics that influence access, use and ownership of land in developing countries. This is because land scarcity, increased competition for land and inequitable allocation of land in African cities and the mediation of power, politics, ethnicity and corruption, coupled with inequitable access to land, often contribute to conflicts over land. The thesis explores this reality through the case of Nairobi.
Urban development in Kenya - towards inclusive cities.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 709 downloads
With an urban growth of 4% and an urban population of more than 30% (Vision 2030), one out of every two Kenyans will live in urban areas before 2030 (and probably by 2015). As urbanization is inevitable, the main challenge is how to cope with rapid urban growth and how to prepare for the future. Inclusive development is a major condition of sustainable cities. What are the main urban challenges Kenya faces? Are Kenyan urbanization trends leading to inclusive cities?
Urban infrastructure for development.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 1107 downloads
The paper discusses the importance of infrastructure investment in growing cities, arguing that,in addition to its direct benefits, infrastructure plays crucial roles in enabling density and coordinatingprivate investment decisions. Many cities have failed to invest in sufficient infrastructure due to inadequatefinancing tools (in particular failure to capture benefits through land value taxation) and fragmented urbanauthority.
Urban infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa – harnessing land values, housing and transport. Report on Nairobi Case Study.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 722 downloads
This report is an overview of planning, property development and urban infrastructure finance in the City of Nairobi, Kenya, undertaken as part of the‘Urban infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa – Harnessing land values’ project forthe UK Government – Department of International Development. It is intended as acase study to demonstrate the extent to which land-based financing is taking placein the City and understand the factors which influence successes and failures.
Urban land development and planning law in Kenya.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 2013 downloads
The dissertation focuses on urban land development in Kenya, using Nairobi city and bordering urban areas as a case study to illustrate critical problems of metropolitan planning in Kenya. The study is an attempt to assess the planning and management of urban land development by agencies of the central government, local authorities and private land owners, and explores the role of planning law.
Urban Land Markets in East Africa.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 636 downloads
The research drew on a wide range of studies related to how urban land markets operate in the East African region, specifically the countries that make up the East African Community and the Horn of Africa.
Urban Land Use Challenges in New Administrative Towns in Kenya.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 4993 downloads
Urban land use practice in Kenya has failed to influence land development patterns in the rapidlygrowing small urban centres. Kenya’s experience reveals the lack of adequate official governmentinterventions and established procedures in formulating decision making rules for the allocation ofland, the control, approval and regulation of urban development. Evidence in Kenya shows theinability of physical planning to hinder the occurrence of the problems associated withcontemporary land use planning in these towns.
Urban Transport Development Plan.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 31 July 2018 By Super User 3909 downloads
Future transport network system is investigated taking into consideration the present network, road development projects, land and facility development projects, and land use plan. The basic level of the study is a conceptual plan and it identifies the gap between the existing and necessary capacity estimated by demand forecast, shows the direction about how to fill the gap, and suggests system and institutions for implementation.