Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025
Gender and Land Country Profile - Kenya.docx
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 30 July 2018 By Super User 399 downloads
In 2005, the country’s population was estimated to be 35 599 000, of which 17 859 000 were women. People living in rural zones comprised 79.3 percent of the population, while 20.7 percent lived in urban areas in 2006. In 2003, the average population density was 56.1 people per square kilometer. While most people are farmers, lands suitable for cultivation represent only 20 percent of the total. The population density in areas having high potential for agriculture is more than six times the country’s average.
Land Governance in IGAD Region- Kenya Country Profile.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 30 July 2018 By Super User 1515 downloads
The Republic of Kenya is located in the Eastern part of the African continent lying between latitudes 5° North and 5° South and between longitudes 34° and 42° East. It is almost bisected by the equator, and shares borders with Ethiopia and South Sudan to the North; Uganda to the West; Tanzania to the South; Somalia to the North East; and the Indian Ocean, the natural boundary to the South Eastern side, with a coastline of about 536 Kilometers.
Reforming to Create Jobs - Doing Business 2018.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 30 July 2018 By Super User 1295 downloads
In its 14 years of publication, Doing Businesshas come a long way. At a recent internationalforum, I heard the leaders of Indiaand the Russian Federation talking abouthow important it is for their countries toimprove their Doing Business rankings andcreate more jobs for young workers.