Friday, Mar 28, 2025
Addressing pastoralist conflict in Ethiopia- The case of the Kuraz and Hamer sub-districts of South Omo zone.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 2681 downloads
The overall aim of the study is to identify the fundamental causes of conflicts, their implications and the range of options for community-led peace-building and conflictsensitive development interventions in the two study areas of the Kuraz and Hamer districts of South Omo zone in the Southern Nations Nationalities and PeoplesThe overall aim of the study is to identify the fundamental causes of conflicts, their implications and the range of options for community-led peace-building and conflictsensitive development interventions in the two study areas of the Kuraz and Hamer districts of South Omo zone in the Southern Nations Nationalities and PeoplesRegional State (SNNPRS) of Ethiopia. Both of these districts are cross-border areas. It also aims to recommend ways that national, regional and international processescould support conflict prevention and resolution in the region.
Asymmetries and Emerging Trends of conflict in federal Ethiopia.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1870 downloads
The preceding chapter discussed the history and ideology of Ethiopian federalism with the objective of setting the ground for the forthcoming discussions on the effect of federalism on ethnic conflicts in the study regions.
Burdens and Standards of Proof in Possession of Unexplained Property Prosecutions.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1124 downloads
While possession of unexplained property (illicit enrichment) is expressly criminalized under Article 419 of the 2004 Criminal Code of Ethiopia, there are practical problems in its prosecution, inter alia, regarding burden and standards of proof.
Can land registration and certification reduce land border conflicts.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 1131 downloads
Struggles over territory are recognized to be the most pervasive form of conflicts and the largest category of causes of inter-state wars as well as intra-state conflicts and terrritorial conflicts occur most frequently between neighbors (Richardson 1960; Wright 1965; Vasquez 1995; Huth 1996; Wallensteen and Sollenberg 2000; Gleditsch 1995; 2001).
Climate Change and Violent Conflict- A critical literature review.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 3167 downloads
A burgeoning literature explores climate change as a risk multiplier that will lead to an escalation in armed conflicts. This literature can be referred to as “climateA burgeoning literature explores climate change as a risk multiplier that will lead to an escalation in armed conflicts. This literature can be referred to as “climatechange causes conflict” (CCCC) discourse. Among substantive factors, CCCC proponents examine implications of increasing heat and drought, as well as more severe weather overall (i.e., more storms with greater intensity).
Climate change to conflict - Lessons from Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 1109 downloads
This report represents an attempt to understand the interplay between environmental/climatic factors and conflict dynamics in the Horn of Africa. It shows that climatic change and local political dynamics may intensify the competition for scarce water and pasture and the degradation of natural resources, and in the worst cases cause violent conflict.
Conflcit in the Somali Region of Ethiopia - Can education promote peace building.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 1409 downloads
Piloting the Delivery of Quality Education Services in the Developing Regional States of Ethiopia, also known as “Building Relationships through Innovative Delivery of Growing Education Services” (BRIDGES), is being implemented by Save the Children UK, Islamic Relief, and Mercy Corps in the Somali Region of Ethiopia. It is a twelve-month project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
Conflict in Ethiopia- The Impact of Precipitation and Its Transmission Mechanism.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 4150 downloads
In this paper we examine the impact of precipitation variations on the probability of conflict in Ethiopia using subnational data at 0.5×0.5 decimal degrees resolution for the period 1997 to 2013. We find that lower precipitation levels, after accounting for the long-term average, are associated with higher probability of conflict.
Conflict in the Horn- Prevention and Resolution. Ethiopia.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 3390 downloads
Conflict destroys the very bases of development: environmental resource, economic infrastructure, and the social and civic ties that permit and sustain development. Understanding the nature, causes and consequences of conflict through scientific inquiry is indispensable to conflict prevention and management endeavours.
Conflict management over contested natural resources - a case study of pasture, forest and irrigation in South Wello, Ethiopia.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1872 downloads
Pankhurst explores natural resource conflict management processes during the past century in South Wello, Ethiopia. The study examines how local groups and external agents, including officials and landowners, managed conflicts over communal pasture, forests and water for irrigation.
Conflict Prevention, Post-conflict Peacebuilding and the Promotion of Durable Peace, Rule of Law and Governance.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1277 downloads
Peace, rule of law and governance are inter-related and critical foundations of sustainable development. At the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), Member States reaffirmed “the importance of freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights, […] the rule of law, gender equality, women’s empowerment and the overall commitment to just and democratic societies for development” and reaffirmed that “to achieve our sustainable development goals, we need institutions at all levels that are effective, transparent, accountable and democratic.” (A/RES/66/288).
Conflict resolution.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 1097 downloads
This paper provides an assessment of the work done by the Organ on National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration (ONHRI) in post-2008 Zimbabwe. ONHRI was employed by the Zimbabwean government (precisely as Government of National Unity) to ensure national healing and integration. The efficacy of top-down approaches to social cohesion in post-conf lict contexts is questioned. The paper outlines how political expediency, mistrust and polarisation debilitated the work of ONHRI.
Context Conflcit Analysis, Ethiopia.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1514 downloads
This report summarizes findings from a context analysis undertaken as part of the UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), funded by theThis report summarizes findings from a context analysis undertaken as part of the UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), funded by theGovernment of the Netherlands. The PBEA programme in Ethiopia aims to strengthen resilience, social cohesion and educational equity in the four Developing Regional States (DRS) of Afar, Gambella, Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz.
Cross-Border Intergroup Conflicts in the Horn of Africa-A Case Study of Ethiopia-South Sudan Borderland People.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 2370 downloads
The Horn of Africa is one of the most insecure regions in Africa. This insecurity manifests itself in many ways, including conflict and terrorism, and driven by al-Shabaab activities, the region has established itself as one of the major terrorist corridors in the world. Even though the Organization of African Unity (OAU) passed the Cairo Resolution in 1964 to respect colonial borders, most international borders in the Horn of Africa are porous, volatile, contested, and fragile.
Democracy assistance to post-conflict Ethiopia - Building local institutions.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 2311 downloads
With a population estimated in 2000 to be more than 64 million and a land area of 1.13 million square kilometres, Ethiopia is one of the largest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The country is one of the poorest in the world, ranked 169 out of 175 in UNDP's latest Human Development Report. Annual per capita income, at an estimated 100 USD, is the lowest in Sub-Saharan Africa, and average food consumption per capita per day is less than 70 percent of internationally accepted standards. The economy is predominantly rural, and, according to recent Central Statistical Authority (CSA) figures, this sector accounts for 81 percent of total employment and 84 percent of total exports.
Dispute resolution mechanisms among the Afar People of Ethiopia and their contribution to the development process.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 7405 downloads
Disputes are one of the major factors negatively affecting the development process of any nation. They divert resources that could otherwise be used productively; hence, there appears to be general agreement on their undesirability (Alexander 2005). Dispute resolution practices and peace-building mechanisms remain problematic for most societies in the world including those in Africa, as most of them are trying to imitate Western modalities instead of using their own indigenous knowledge systems and skills.
Economic drivers of conflcit and cooperation in the Horn of Africa.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 1334 downloads
Among the drivers of conflict in the Horn of Africa economic motivations have been ubiquitous and pervasive in prompting and sustaining conflict. At other times economic drivers have exhibited a potential for peaceful cooperation. An understanding of their role and relationship with other forces of change is essential.
Environmental, social and economic problems in the Borkena plain, Ethiopia.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1309 downloads
People in the study area, the surrounding of Borkena plain, suffer from a complex interplay of environmental degradation, population growth, ethnic and religious conflicts, and related social tensions. But the most depressing problem in their life situation is that they can not find a way out of the downward spiral of resource scarcity and conflict. They are not given any chance to get involved themselves in actively searching of solutions specific to their problems. The advise they can get from their authorities, is not taking into account the complexity of their social situation, and consequently can not solve their problems.
Ethiopia- Conflict Displacement Situation Report.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 19 July 2018 By Super User 1667 downloads
The humanitarian situation in Ethiopia has been further exacerbated by an upsurge in conflict around the border areas of Oromia and Somali regions, since early September 2017. Over the course of the following months, the conflict has left hundreds of thousands displaced, often in areas already experiencing ongoing drought-related humanitarian need. Nearly all districts along the regional borders were affected.
Ethiopia- Conflict Profile 2010.pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 5847 downloads
The term conflict has its roots in the Latin word conflictus, meaning ‘to clash or engage in a fight’ thereby signifying a confrontation between one or more partiesThe term conflict has its roots in the Latin word conflictus, meaning ‘to clash or engage in a fight’ thereby signifying a confrontation between one or more partiesaspiring towards incompatible or competitive means or ends.