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Folder Land and Rural Development


Action Plan for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Eritrea  Published Popular


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Action Plan for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Eritrea

The Government of the State of Eritrea, in its national development policy and strategy, has recognized and addressed the importance of sustainable water resources management and increasing water use efficiency for livelihoods and sustainable development of the country aimed at promoting rapid economic growth and poverty reduction.

Afar in Eritrea Human Rights Report 2016  Published Popular


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Afar in Eritrea  Human Rights Report 2016

The Samad Baysa report is an effort to document the extent of human rights and humanitarian law violations taking place in Eritrea, and to convey the size and scope of the injustices committed against the indigenous Afar.The Samad Baysa report is an effort to document the extent of human rights and humanitarian law violations taking place in Eritrea, and to convey the size and scope of the injustices committed against the indigenous Afar.

The information in this report is drawn from the United Nations Commission of Inquiry Reports, as well as through information from different government and international organizations. Moreover, the accounts and testimonies in this report are a compilation of years of extensive interviews with first hand victims, traditional Afar leaders and elders, refugees residing in various countries, victims of rape, survivors of torture, and witnesses of mass murder, mass displacement and enslavement.

Assessing Forest Cover Change in Eritrea— A Historical Perspective  Published Popular


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Assessing Forest Cover Change in Eritrea— A Historical Perspective

The present article uses historical, archival, and photographic evidence to examine the process of deforestation in the central highlands of Eritrea since the late 19th century. It finds that the extent of deterioration has been far less than generally believed by both policymakers and rural people themselves, and by no meansThe present article uses historical, archival, and photographic evidence to examine the process of deforestation in the central highlands of Eritrea since the late 19th century. It finds that the extent of deterioration has been far less than generally believed by both policymakers and rural people themselves, and by no meansuniform in time and space. Furthermore, the factors that are assumed to have contributed to deforestation in this region have largely been exaggerated, while ruralcommunities have been more adept at handling scarce wood resources than generally believed. The case of Eritrea provides evidence in support of a growing body of literature that seeks to challenge prevailing orthodoxies about the scale and pattern of deforestation in Africa and popular policies of large-scale tree plantingthat have been devised as a response to such perceptions.

Catchment and Landscape Management Project evaluation 2017  Published Popular


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Catchment and Landscape Management Project evaluation 2017

Land degradation has been a growing threat in Eritrea for many years. The main drivers are the combination of increasing human population, soil nutrient mining within farms, growing livestock numbers on communally grazed rangelands, and deforestation. To that list can be added impacts of climate change. Land degradation drives a cycle of rural poverty: households lacking food, money and energy. In the selected project area, the situation is particularly severe as this zone borders Ethiopia and suffered extra devastation as a result of the hostilities during the war of independence, and the more recent border conflicts. Though poorly studied, monitoring in one river basin found an average sediment yield of 1,350t/km2/yr, with associated losses of water and crop yield declines.

Challenges for Food Security in Eritrea – A Descriptive and Qualitative Analysis  Published Popular


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Challenges for Food Security in Eritrea – A Descriptive and Qualitative Analysis

Abstract: Food security is about ensuring that all people at all times have both physical and economic access to the basic food they need. In a number of African countries chronic malnutrition and transitory food insecurity are pervasive. Like most African countries, Eritrea is also a victim of the problem of food insecurity. Based on this historical and recurrent food insecurity in Eritrea, an attempt is made in this paper to assess the possible causes of food insecurity in the country. Furthermore, the paper captures the available food security policy proposals of Eritrea and eventually draws conclusions and extends possible recommendationsAbstract: Food security is about ensuring that all people at all times have both physical and economic access to the basic food they need. In a number of African countries chronic malnutrition and transitory food insecurity are pervasive. Like most African countries, Eritrea is also a victim of the problem of food insecurity. Based on this historical and recurrent food insecurity in Eritrea, an attempt is made in this paper to assess the possible causes of food insecurity in the country. Furthermore, the paper captures the available food security policy proposals of Eritrea and eventually draws conclusions and extends possible recommendationsand policy remedies suited to the country.

Drought conditions and management strategies in Eritrea  Published Popular


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Drought conditions and management strategies in Eritrea

Climate change and drought are both an environment and a development issue. This is critical in Eritrea where the poor are the most at risk from the increased variability and volatility in weather patterns. One of the key climate-related vulnerabilities of Eritrea’s economy is its heavy dependence on rain-fed agriculture which depends mostly on the monsoons. Monsoon rain analysis reveals that some part of the Eritrea’s land mass is hit by drought periodically.

Emerging Eritrean Agriculture In Accordance With Global Competition A Case Study On Elabered Estate  Published Popular


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Emerging Eritrean Agriculture In Accordance With Global Competition  A Case Study On Elabered Estate

This paper explores the Eritrean agricultural production, land and people. It also provides the Elabered Estate, how it increases agricultural yields through using varieties of grains with greater resistance to disease and pests, together with the use of improved farm management techniques and chemical inputs, such as improved pesticides and fertilizers.  Thus present paper covers the success story of Elabered Estate of an important player in Eritrean agriculture sector. The paper deals with the concerted efforts made by the Estate to go with the Global Competition. It also highlights some of the problems and challenges of Eritrean agriculture sector.

Enabling the rural poor to overcome poverty in Eritrea Rural poverty in Eritrea  Published Popular


Enabling the rural poor to overcome poverty in Eritrea - Rural poverty in Eritrea.pdf

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Enabling the rural poor to overcome poverty in Eritrea   Rural poverty in Eritrea

Since it won independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year war of liberation, Eritrea has had to cope with the socio-economic problems of a small, desperately poor country. Its economy, like that of many African nations, is largely based on subsistence agriculture, and 60 per cent of the population relies for food andSince it won independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year war of liberation, Eritrea has had to cope with the socio-economic problems of a small, desperately poor country. Its economy, like that of many African nations, is largely based on subsistence agriculture, and 60 per cent of the population relies for food andincome on agricultural activities such as crop and livestock production or fishing.

Environment, society and the state in southwestern Eritrea  Published Popular


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Environment, society and the state in southwestern Eritrea

This paper addresses the relationships between environment, society and the state (the promoter of development activities) in the Gash-Setit region of western Eritrea.1 (Refer to the map in appendix-1). Through an examination of the discourse of the local populations and the state about the environment, the paper explores the different factors that have contributed to the environmental crisis in the region. The analysis that follows incorporates historical, cultural and political dimensions to the understanding of the relationship between environment, society and the state.

Eritrea An Overview  Published Popular


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Eritrea   An Overview

Eritrea is a country located in the horn of Africa, a region badly affected by conflicts, war, displacement and droughts. Despite the huge natural and man made obstacles, the country is working hard towards developing the war and droughts damaged economy and social services.

Eritrea food security 2004  Published Popular


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Eritrea  food security 2004

Eritrea is a poor country with an estimated annual GDP of about US$ 180 per capita. At independence, the government concentrated on meeting the emergency needsEritrea is a poor country with an estimated annual GDP of about US$ 180 per capita. At independence, the government concentrated on meeting the emergency needsof the people, rebuilding and rehabilitating its economic and social infrastructure and the institutions essential for achieving rapid economic and social development. The Government put in place a Macro Economic Policy Framework (Para. 1.11) and made key investments in priority sectors of the economy to accelerate economic recovery and address the deep-rooted problems of poverty. By early 1993, Eritrea had managed to lay the basis for sustainable broad-based growth and the economy registered a growth in GDP of about 7 percent over the period 1993-97. Much progress was made in increasing access to education and health facilities and rural roads with significant positive impact on the living conditions of the people.

Eritrea Initial National Report (1999 2016)  Published Popular


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Eritrea  Initial National Report (1999 2016)

The State of Eritrea presents its initial and combined reports that encompass eight periodic reports overdue since its accession to the Charter. The report is prepared pursuant to article 62 of the African Commission for Human and Peoples‟ Rights (ACHPR) and covers the period between 1999 and 2016. It is spearheaded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in coordination with relevant ministries, institutions and national associations.

Eritrea Biodiversity Economic Assessment  Published Popular


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Eritrea Biodiversity  Economic Assessment

The study was carried out between February 1 and 25 1998 by Amanuel Asrat of the Department of Environment, Ministry of Land, Water and Environment of the Government of the State of Eritrea and Lucy Emerton, Biodiversity Economics consultant to IUCN Eastern Africa Regional Office.

Eritrean Community Profile  Published Popular


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Eritrean Community Profile

There is a very small community of Eritreans in Australia. At the time of the 2001 Australian Census, there were only 1620 Eritrean-born persons living in Australia,There is a very small community of Eritreans in Australia. At the time of the 2001 Australian Census, there were only 1620 Eritrean-born persons living in Australia,an increase of 42 per cent from the 1996 Census.

Eritrea’s Nation and State Building Re-Assessing the Impact of the Struggle  Published Popular


Eritrea’s Nation and State-building- Re-assessing the impact of the struggle.pdf

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Eritrea’s Nation and State Building  Re-Assessing the Impact of the Struggle

In the April 2003 issue of Atlantic Monthly, Robert Kaplan describes Eritrea as “newly independent, sleepily calm and remarkably stable”.  Electricity is said to fail infrequently, corruption is rare, theft and crime almost unheard of, reflecting, Kaplan claims, “a surprisingly functional social order”.  Eritrea is said to have “achieved a degree of noncoercive social discipline” by implication, unusual for Africa.  The country’s political culture is described as “an almost Maoist degree of mobilization and an almost Albanian degree of xenophobia.”  In this account, Eritrea is an exotic specimen, not quite African, atypical in almost all respects.

Government of Eritrea Support to NEPAD–CAADP Implementation  Published Popular


Government of Eritrea Support to NEPAD–CAADP Implementation.pdf

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Government of Eritrea Support to NEPAD–CAADP Implementation

In an effort to halt and reverse the decline of the agricultural sector in the continent, the African ministers for agriculture unanimously adopted, at the 22nd FAO Regional Conference for Africa, held on 8 February 2002 in Cairo, a resolution laying down key steps to be taken in relation to agriculture in the framework of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). As a follow–up to this resolution, they endorsed, on 9 June, 2002, the NEPAD Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

Green Features of Recent Water Law Reform in Eritrea A Brief Appraisal  Published Popular


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Green Features of Recent Water Law Reform in Eritrea  A Brief Appraisal

It is estimated that over 300 million people in Africa face water scarcity conditions.  A diversity of environmental and non-environmental stressors continues to plague the water sector and this has triggered regulatory reforms of the sector in many countries.  "As water becomes an increasingly scarce resource, threatened bothIt is estimated that over 300 million people in Africa face water scarcity conditions.  A diversity of environmental and non-environmental stressors continues to plague the water sector and this has triggered regulatory reforms of the sector in many countries.  "As water becomes an increasingly scarce resource, threatened bothqualitatively and quantitatively, many states are moving faster in the direction of adopting water resources legislation to address in detail the vast array of issuesfacing or emerging in the water sector."

History of Eritrea  Published Popular


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History of Eritrea

One of the major reasons for bad relations amongst the nations of Europe in the years before 1914 was that they were engaged in a struggle to obtain overseas colonies.

Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Eritrea 2004  Published Popular


Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Eritrea 2004.pdf

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Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Eritrea 2004

This Interim Poverty Reduction Paper (I-PRSP) provides an overview of the nature of poverty in Eritrea and a statement of the Government’s commitment to poverty reduction. It lays out the Government’s macroeconomic framework and steps to create the conditions for resuming rapid economic growth, and policies and programs for poverty reduction. It presents an initial articulation of a national strategy that aims at directly impacting on poverty through broad based economic growth and targeted interventions. The strategy and the processes followed in its formulation are country-owned and reflect national priorities and local realities.

Land Management in the Central Highlands of Eritrea  Published Popular


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Land Management in the Central Highlands of Eritrea

This study deals with soil and water conservation and soils in the Central Highlands of Eritrea. These are key topics relating to development in rural Eritrea in general, and they are high on the political agenda of the government. The Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture has taken up this priority in itsThis study deals with soil and water conservation and soils in the Central Highlands of Eritrea. These are key topics relating to development in rural Eritrea in general, and they are high on the political agenda of the government. The Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture has taken up this priority in itsEritrea SLM programme as a major component in technical cooperation.