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Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper  Published Popular


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Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers are prepared by member countries in broad consultation with stakeholders and development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF.  Updated with annual progress reports, they describe the countries macroeconomic, structural and social policies in support of growth and poverty reduction, as well as associated external financing needs and major sources of financing.  This country document for Sudan is made available on the IMF website by agreement of the member country as a service to users of the IMF website.

National Action Plan for the implementation of the Great Green Wall for the Sahel and Sahara Initiative (GGWSSI)  Published Popular


National Action Plan for the implementation of the Great Green Wall for the Sahel and Sahara Initiative (GGWSSI)..pdf

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National Action Plan for the implementation of the Great Green Wall for the Sahel and Sahara Initiative (GGWSSI)

The Great Green Wall for the Sahel and Sahara Initiative is an initiative for Africa by Africans.  It is a noble idea which emerged around 2005 and concerned 20 countries including Sudan.  Each country has to develop and implement its national component of the Great Green Wall in line with the adopted Harmonized Regional Strategy for the Great Green Wall (GGW).  The present document is the action plan for the implementation of the GGW in Sudan.

National Adaptation Programme of Action  Published Popular


National Adaptation Programme of Action.pdf

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National Adaptation Programme of Action

Adaptation to climate change is a very compelling subject for the people of Sudan, burdened as they already are with devastating and recurring droughts, as well as severe hardships in the ability to coping with even current climatic variability.  It is no overstatement to declare at the outset of this important document that our ability to adapt to the projected changes in climate will be a critical factor upon which the future prosperity - perhaps even the survival - of thousands of Sudanese communities depends.

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015 - 2020 (NBSAP)  Published Popular


National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 (NBSAP)..pdf

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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015 - 2020 (NBSAP)

Sudan is a country of a great diversity of plants, animals, forests, wildlife and habitats within diverse environmental systems making it endowed with flora and fauna.  Biodiversity provides the basis for livelihood and sustainable social and economic development; and safeguards ecological safety and food security.