Sunday, Feb 23, 2025


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Agricultural Sector Development Strategy 2010–2020  Published Popular


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Agricultural Sector Development Strategy 2010–2020

The Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) is the overall national policy document for the sector ministries and all stakeholders in Kenya. The document outlines the characteristics, challenges, opportunities, vision, mission, strategic thrusts and the various interventions that the ministries will undertake to propel the agricultural sector to the future. In composing this strategy, we have defined the problems in the agricultural sector, explored the possible causes of the problems and proposed possible solutions. Recognizing that we cannot solve all problems, we have selected the best solutions and shall implement them in a phased manner.

Common Programme Framework for Ending Drought Emergencies  Published Popular


Common Programme Framework for Ending Drought Emergencies.pdf

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Common Programme Framework for Ending Drought Emergencies

The 2010-11 crisis in the Horn of Africa provedto be a turning point in drought management.It generated a commitment from governmentsand their partners not just to improve their futureresponse once drought arises but to address thechallenge of growing vulnerability. This emphasis onthe structural causes of drought emergencies is theprincipal point of departure from previous droughtmanagement efforts in Kenya.

Forest Policy, 2014  Published Popular


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Forest Policy, 2014

Forest resources in our country are valuable natural endowment that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. Forest resources offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development, improved livelihoods and provision of environmental goods and services such as watershed protection and carbon sequestration.

Gender Policy  Published Popular


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Gender Policy

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, the national machinery promoting gender equality and women empowerment in Kenya was established through Presidential Circular No.1 of May 20081. Currently it comprises of two technical departments namely: Department of Gender and Social Development; and the Department of Children Services. The Ministry has three semi-autonomous government agencies (SAGA’s): the National Commission on Gender and Development, The National Council for Children Services and the National Council for Persons with Disabilities.

Kenya Vision 2030  Published Popular


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Kenya Vision 2030

Kenya Vision 2030 is the country's new development blueprint covering the period from 2008 to 2030.  It aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, "middle-income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030".

Livestock Development Strategic Plan 2008 2012  Published Popular


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Livestock Development Strategic Plan 2008 2012

This is the second strategic plan for the Ministry of Livestock Development and covers theperiod 2008 to 2012. The plan ties with the objectives of the Vision 2030 Strategy and theMedium Term Plan (2008-12) and integrates additional strategies to address short-termconstraints and for implementation of key flag-ship projects outlined in Vision 2030.

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Strategic Plan 2013 2017  Published Popular


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Strategic Plan 2013-2017.pdf

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Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Strategic Plan 2013 2017

This Strategic plan provides an overview of the Ministry’s mandate, functions, objectives and strategiesto be pursued during the five-year period. It sets out the framework within which the Ministry willdischarge its functions in line with its vision and mission. It further, identifies challenges encountered inthe implementation of the previous Strategic Plans (2008- 2012) of the former Ministries of Agriculture,Livestock Development and Fisheries Development and builds on the achievements realized during theirimplementation.

National Agribusiness Strategy  Published Popular


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National Agribusiness Strategy

Kenya’s agricultural sector has over the years developed many excellent visions, policies, strategies and plans, but the sector is still not achieving its potential and growth targets.  How can one more agribusiness strategymake a difference?  Surely, you might reasonably ask, if all these policies, strategies and good capacities are in place, why is the agribusiness sector – which comprises all businesses involved in agricultural production, including farming and contract farming, seed supply, agrichemicals, farm machinery, wholesale and distribution, processing, marketing and retail sales – not taking off?

National Food and Nutrition Security Policy  Published Popular


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National Food and Nutrition Security Policy

Food and nutrition security refers to a situation where all people, at all times, havephysical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet theirdietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Currently over10 million people in Kenya suffer from chronic food insecurity and poor nutrition,and between two and four million people require emergency food assistance atany given time. Nearly 30% of Kenya’s children are classified as undernourished,and micronutrient deficiencies are widespread.

National Land Policy Sessional Paper No 3 of 2009  Published Popular


National Land Policy Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009.pdf

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National Land Policy Sessional Paper No  3 of 2009

The formulation of a comprehensive National Land Policy commenced inFebruary 2004. In April 2007, a Draft National Land Policy was adoptedby stakeholders through a National Symposium. The Seventh Cabinetmeeting held on 25th June, 2009 approved the Draft National Land Policyand directed the Minister for Lands to proceed with the preparation of theSessional Paper for presentation to Parliament. The Sessional Paper isnow ready and this marks a critical milestone in the National Land PolicyFormulation Process.

Plan of Action 2008 2012 to Implement the National Policy on Gender and Development  Published Popular


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Plan of Action 2008 2012 to Implement the National Policy on Gender and Development

The Department of Gender and Social Services has developed this National Plan of Action as a comprehensive framework for gender mainstreaming in the country.  The Plan of action is in response to the various global and regional instruments on gender equality that Kenya has adopted.

Policy on Devolved System of Government  Published Popular


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Policy on Devolved System of Government

Devolution is one of the most transformative changes to Kenya’s governance system brought about by the Kenya Constitution, 2010.  Article 174 of the Constitution provides that one of the key objectives of devolution is to promote social and economic development and provide proximate, easily accessible services throughout Kenya.

The National Wildlife Conservation and Management Policy  Published Popular


The National Wildlife Conservation and Management Policy.pdf

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The National Wildlife Conservation and Management Policy

The assent of Sessional Paper No. 3 on the “Statement on the Future of Wildlife Management Policy in Kenya” in 1975 was a major innovation in the sector.  It brought policy changes that allowed for the integration of wildlife management; recognition of both community and private participation; centralization of the administrative machinery; and maximization of the economic value of wildlife resources in Kenya.  However, subsequent challenges necessitated further policy adjustments to deal with chronic issues within the wildlife sector such as increase in human-wildlife conflicts, challenges in achieving an integrated wildlife management approach, and increased poaching and loss of wildlife species.