Sunday, Feb 23, 2025


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Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Policy  Published Popular


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Afar National Regional State Rural Land Use and Administration Policy

The Afar national Regional State is situated in the North-estern tip of Ethiopia and has an area of about 94,760 square kilometers. This area of the regional state accounts for 8.4% of the area of our country Ethiopia.1

Environmental Policy of Ethiopia  Published Popular


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Environmental Policy of Ethiopia

Natural resources are the foundation of the economy. Smallholder peasantagriculture, in some areas including forestry, is the dominant sector accountingfor about 45 per cent of the GDP, 85 per cent of exports and 80 per cent of totalemployment.

Ethiopia’s Agricultural Sector Policy and Investment Framework (PIF)  Published Popular


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Ethiopia’s Agricultural Sector Policy and Investment Framework (PIF)

The Policy and Investment Framework (PIF) provides a strategic frameworkfor the prioritisation and planning of investments that will drive Ethiopia’s agricultural growth anddevelopment. It is designed to operationalise the CAADP Compact signed by the Government and itsdevelopment partners.

Food Security Strategy  Published Popular


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Food Security Strategy

Ethiopia's Food Security Strategy (FSS), issued in November 1996, highlighted Government plans to address causality and effect of food insecurity in Ethiopia. The regional food security programs and projects were subsequently designed on the basis of that strategy. This document updates the original 1996 FSS by sharpening the strategic element to address food insecurity based on lessons learned to date.

Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II) (2015 16 to 2019 20)  Published Popular


Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II) (2015-16 to 2019-20)..pdf

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Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II) (2015 16 to 2019 20)

The first Growth and Transformation Plan (GTPI) culminated with registering remarkable achievements in real GDP growth, infrastructure development, social development and capacity building at all levels. During the implementation period of GTP I, public participation and common development spirit and sense of ownership has been stimulated on key national development issues.

National Action Plan for Gender Equality (NAP GE)  Published Popular


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National Action Plan for Gender Equality (NAP GE)

Gender inequality is entrenched in social, economic, cultural and political structures and thusGender inequality is entrenched in social, economic, cultural and political structures and thusclosely intertwined with every development challenge ranging from the elimination of povertyto the promotion of peace and democracy. In other words, countries will not be able to combatpoverty, and the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and ensure sustained development without a deliberateattempt to overcome gender inequality.

Rural Development Policy and Strategies  Published Popular


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Rural Development Policy and Strategies

By all measures, Ethiopia is clearly at a low level of social and economic development. A large part of theBy all measures, Ethiopia is clearly at a low level of social and economic development. A large part of theeconomy is characterized by semi-subsistence agriculture with exceedingly low incomes and hand-to-mouthlivelihoods. Agriculture, although the dominant sector of the economy,1 is constrained by age-old productionpractices and structural problems.

Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program  Published Popular


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Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program

For some countries, economic growth is the primary policy goal, and poverty reduction is to be achieved throughmeasures complementary to growth. This is not the approach of the Ethiopian government. Poverty reduction is thecore objective of the Ethiopian government. Economic growth is the principal, but not the only, means to thisobjective.