Sunday, Feb 23, 2025
Constitution of Eritrea..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 967 downloads
We, the people of Eritrea, united in a common struggle for our rights and common destiny:
With Eternal Gratitude to the scores of thousands of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for thecauses of our rights and independence, during the long and heroic revolutionary struggle forliberation, and to the courage and steadfastness of our Eritrean patriots; and standing on the solidground of unity and justice bequeathed by our martyrs and combatants;
Land Proclamation (No. 58-1994)..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 678 downloads
Whereas the systems of land tenure and use, and the concomitant laws and traditions existing in Eritrea have been rendered obsolete and incompatible with the contemporary demands of thecountry;
Whereas consequent to the obsolete system of land tenure and land laws:- the programs of reconstruction and development are getting on the verge of becomingnon-functional;- land disputes and frictions are increasing from time to time;- our country’s land is being eroded, its productivity is being diminished, forests are beingdestroyed, and the country’s agricultural resource is generally devitalized;
National Agency to Promote the Participation of Eritrean Citizens in the Ownership of Public Enterprises Establishment Proclamation (No. 171-2012)..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 828 downloads
WHEREAS, one of the primary economic: goals of Eritrea is to ensure the dignity and prosperity of the Eritrean society;
WHEREAS, in pursuance of its development policy of sustainable economic growth and fostering the socio-economic enhancement of Eritrean society, the Eritrean government has initiated, among others, a share-equity based participation of Eritrean citizens in public enterprises;
Proclamation to Provide for the Registration of Land and Other Immovable Property (No. 95-1997)..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 1084 downloads
Whereas the Government of Eritrea has promulgated Proclamation No. 58/1994, aimed at changing the system of land tenure in Eritrea; and given that the Proclamation states that all land belongs to the State, but provides for the allocation of certain private rights over land, such as tiesa, agricultural usufruct and leasehold;
Regulation to Provide for the Procedure of Allocation and Administration of Land (L.N. No. 31-1997)..pdf
Published on 17 July 2018 Modified on 23 July 2018 By Super User 711 downloads
This Regulation may be cited as Legal Notice No. 31/1997 to Provide for the procedure of allocation and administration of land.